

10,000 Leaders

The future starts here.


Join the Movement

The Syrian conflict has driven more than 5.6 million people from their homes. Nearly three million of them are youth.

We’re building a movement to put these young Syrian refugees on a path to leadership, success, and self-determination. We call it 10,000 Leaders. With your help, we hope to invest in the lives and futures of 10,000 displaced youth by 2028. 


What Makes a Leader?

A leader runs toward change. They try to be a force of good in their community, wherever in the world it may be. They are problem-solvers, innovators, and lifelong learners who are constantly evolving. They serve others selflessly and use technology wisely. They understand we’re better together and they refuse to be bystanders in their own lives. A Leader builds the future not just for themselves, but for the generations that follow. 

At Karam, we make leaders. And we invite you to join us. 

How We Build Leaders

Our programs empower refugee youth and families to create their own paths toward leadership. From Innovative Education for refugee teens to awareness sessions for mothers and fathers, we provide holistic support and timely relief, while helping families build a future for themselves and others.

Read Their Stories

“These inspiring kids are the true alternative future for Syria. They are creating, innovating, and building their ideas. They are curious, entrepreneurial, and tech-savvy. They have restored their confidence and agency. In spite of the devastation of war and displacement, they are future leaders for their communities, wherever that may be. Reconstruction starts here.”


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